
发布时间:2018-06-15 15:04

“Everything in China will attend the 2018 World Cup except the national team.” 

–CCTV host Bai Yansong



We have less than a day before this year’s World Cup kicks off! If you are a soccer fan, then you might have taken a look at the matchups and can’t wait to predict who will win with your friends. How about telling us?

If you are not crazy about the World Cup, the following information can help you get into the month-long soccer competition much easier. 


First, let’s get the basics of the 2018 FIFA World Cup out of the way.

1. 本届世界杯由俄罗斯主办,这也是世界杯赛事第一次在东欧国家举行。莫斯科与北京有5个小时的时差,所以,当你沐浴着月光看球的时候,球员们也许正晒着午后的阳光奔跑呢。

The host of this year's World Cup is Russia, and will be the first ever to be held in Eastern Europe. Because of the 5-hour time difference from Beijing to Moscow, you might have to watch the games at night while the players run around under the afternoon sunlight.

2. 本届世界杯的吉祥物叫“扎比瓦卡”,西伯利亚平原狼为原型设计,不是哈士奇,再说一遍,不是哈士奇!!

The wolf, Zabivaka, is the event’s official mascot. This new official mascot is inspired by canis lupus campestris. Again, it is a wolf, NOT A HUSKY.


3. 2018年俄罗斯世界杯用球叫做“电视之星 18”(与任何电视台无关)是首款支持近场无线通讯(NFC)的正式比赛用球。只要将手机放在NFC芯片附近,即可体验关于足球资讯、线上竞赛和挑战等等内容。

Telstar 18 is the official ball for the event’s matches. It has an embedded near-field communication (NFC) chip, which means people are able to connect to the chip using a smart phone to access content and information that is unique to that ball, and other interactive themed events.

4. 本届世界杯共有32支队伍参赛,全程64场比赛。是的,没有中国队,但是也没有荷兰和意大利——自1958年以来,意大利队首次无缘决赛,也成为了8支曾经的冠军队伍中唯一缺席本届世界杯的球队。

There are 32 national teams that will be involved in the final tournament with a total of 64 matches. China’s national team will not make an appearance, and neither will the Netherlands and Italy. This is the first time Italy has not made the World Cup since 1958, and is the only absentee out of all eight previous World Cup winners in this year’s event. 

5. 在本届世界杯赛事期间,俄罗斯将对参赛者和球迷实施免签政策——需买好球票并申请办理球迷护照,持有球迷护照者可于2018年6月4日00:00至2018年7月15日23:59(当地时间)多次免签入境。

The FAN ID provides Visa-Free Entry to Russia for foreign citizens that have purchased 2018 FIFA World Cup™ match tickets. Such fans will be able to enter and remain in the country during the period that starts 10 days before the first match and ends 10 days after the last match of this year's World Cup.

6. 正如白岩松所说,“俄罗斯世界杯,中国除了足球队没去,其他都去了。”本届世界杯,中国球迷购买球票的数量,在所有国家中排名第9。而中国企业在世界杯期间的广告支出则以8.35亿美元稳居世界第一位。

Fifty-four percent of the World Cup tickets have been allocated to international fans, and Chinese fans purchased 39,884. And with $835 million spending on advertising, Chinese companies have become the biggest sponsors in this year's World Cup.


We also tick off the key matches from the group stage.

葡萄牙 Portugal

西班牙 Spain

When:June 16, Sat, 02:00, Group B, first round

Why:This match is the biggest selling point in the group stage! Euro 2016 winners Portugal and 2010 world champions Spain will vie for supremacy in Group B. 

 德国 Germany

 墨西哥 Mexico

When:June 17, Sun, 23:00, Group F, first round 

Why:Defending champions Germany are the hot favorites from Group F and will face tough challenges from a strong South American contingent, Mexico.

巴西 Brazil

瑞士 Switzerland

When:June 18, Mon, 02:00, Group E, first round

Why:Brazil, who has won all four games this year without conceding a goal, will open their World Cup game finals campaign against Switzerland on June 17.

阿根廷 Argentina

克罗地亚 Croatia

When:June 22, Fri, 02:00, Group D, second round

Why:Five-time Ballon d'Or winner Lionel Messi will lead the Argentina against the powerful team from central Europe.

法国 France

丹麦 Denmark

When:June 26, Tue, 22:00, Group C, third round

Why:After 16 years, France will meet Denmark again in the World Cup final tournament a luxurious lineup.

英格兰 England

比利时 Belgium

When:June 29, Fri, 02:00, Group G, third round

Why:This focus match in group G will decide which team can finish top of their group. 

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